14 September 2006

Idiot's Guide to completing the Bangalore Full Marathon

Now that the Bangalore Marathon is on, and having run two half marathons over the previous few days as practise sessions in the same route as the marathon, i think i can share some of my experiences which may be of use to you guys.

1. It is a myth that it does not sweat in Bangalore. It pours in rivulets. So be prepared for major water loss from your body. I am talking of the time i do my practise which is 4.00AM. Any later in the day is bound to be worse.

2. The course is, to put it mildly, a killer one. There are actually no flat roads. The roads go up and down and up and down. There are two subways and one flyover that need to be crossed in addition to the roads. Heck, the normal roads themselves look like flyovers.

3. So the hot tips are to get a cap, preferably white one, wear preferably white t-shirt or something light color and get some white socks. In all my previous three full marathons which i completed, one major problem i noticed was that the socks get majorly hot and then you get boils in your feet. So, please get white socks.

4. Since we amateurs would still be huffing and puffing our way to finish line well above 4 or 5 hours from the starting time, it is better to make our own provisions for water bottles. There is a 20km stretch that does not have any shops, means not many all along the road, but a few here and there. A water bottle which you fill up at around the 20km mark may help you.

5. The experts say that you need to have pasta the day before to give you sufficient carbohydrates to run. Personal experience tells me that this is not much important. Just have your regular meal and make sure you finish all your early morning duties (translate to: shitting ;-)). There are places where you can settle down and empty your bowels. But if you are one of those guys who cannot do it in the open, well its your lookout.

6. If you can tape the three toes in your leg, nothing like it. And please make sure you cut your nails too.

7. Finally, i am always willing to run as a group. So let's gang up and reach the finishing line ;-)

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Posted by Unknown at 12:10 PM


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