The Cottage : Review

The Cottagewas recommended to me by Rajesh. I thought this must be one of those Hostel kind of movies and proceeded to have a look into it.
The movie starts off pretty nicely with two men arriving at an abandoned cottage. If you did not read the review or anything like that, you soon find out that those two men are brothers and they have kidnapped the sister of the elder brother's boss and are holding her to ransom. While the younger brother is genuinely funny, it is the elder brother, played by Andy Serkis (Remember LOTR ?), who invokes a few laughs even while of maintaining a serious face.
The kidnapping goes horribly wrong when the hostage escapes and wanders off into the nearby woods. It is then that this movie morphs into something totally different. If I write anything more, it would be a kill joy for all those interested in watching the movie. I will stop at just saying that the second half is definitely not for the plain hearted with some nice twists in the tale towards the end. Needless to say, for those who have been tuned to watching that particular genre of movies, it is quite easy to predict the next sequence.
I would suggest those interested in watching this movie to rent out a DVD, for I guess that this movie did not, or rather, will not make it to theaters here in India.
Verdict: A decent movie to while away an hour and half.
Posted by Unknown at 12:02 PM
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