Well, for want of a better title I chose this !
Gajabhuja in Sanskrit means the trunk of an elephant !
So, in short, the title means big/huge fundas !! :-)
25 March 2010
My dear motorcycle driving monkey
The rearview mirrors on your motorbike have a specific purpose. It is in no way cool if you remove them and zip through the traffic.
Four boken bones and lacerations all over your body could have been averted, if only you had checked your rearview mirror for a second to see the car coming right behind you, before you lazily braked right in the middle of the road.
Other motorcycle morons who drive without rearview mirrors, I hope you take note.
To the man who made simple things like drinking milk, and eating a snack look terrifying -- you absolutely deserved the Oscar !!
If you have not seen Inglorious Basterds, do come out of the rock under which you were hiding and see it. Tarantino has created yet another masterpiece.